
Okay, look; I am definitely not the guy to be passing judgement on the fitness habits – or lack thereof – of others. Everyone is at the gym for their own agenda; there own goals.

For me that’s also included toughening up areas where one might need toughening… and in ways that require unique solutions to the problems of “getting tough”. I really have no idea what was going through my mind the night I was doing my sit-up sets against the heavy bag. But, as I looked at that fifteen pound ball something in my head went; “you know what would be a good idea? Yeah; dropping this on my abs tens times between my sit-up reps. (Which are also ten, touching the ball to opposite sides of the bag each sit-up.)

Those first few nights were late nights; it is a 24 hour Fitness, after all. But soon enough I had evening plans, and so it was that magical forth or fifth night when, in the gym early, I laid into myself like I do… and became keenly aware the sudden spectacle I had become.

I mean, it’s not the first time I was uncomfortably the center of the gym’s attention. But it’s been a while, and I suppose this time it was less funny and kind of… weirdly worrisome.

I know I’ve said it before, and I’ll keep saying it; getting fit doesn’t mean you just suddenly stop be self-concious about yourself around others. I mean, it helps, but it also can add new layers to it, if you’re not already in a good place with yourself. That said…

The looks on their faces were PRICELESS.