How I Spent My 2019 (part 3)

I suppose I had to learn a good lesson about going independent in my day wage career. But then crooked is as crooked does. Seriously, we’d show up to “jobs” with all the wrong materials, paints, or missing supplies. And then I would get my assignments, when there were any – with just a few hours notice. It was hell trying to plan a day or week with no idea what was coming up next, if there was anything coming up at all.

Currently I’m working a contract for a company I had done some work for before, at one of the last clients they have left, because my field is dying off slowly. It had the promise of being a good experience for my resume, instead it’s turned into a shit show of dumb. But you know how it goes; they can’t all be winners. And it is getting the bills paid, so there’s that.

After the last lay off I lost health insurance, so I’d been on my own dealing with my depression and attempted suicide on my one for a while when friends who work for Renaissance Productions approached me to fill a hole in staff working at the bar, which also managed the “bouncy boat” – a bounce house shaped like a pirate ship. At first I was kind of hesitant; faire had not been good to me on my return and I was unsure of myself in public, let alone kids.

But I had attended an earlier faire that year, and had – by sheer coincidence – ended up helping out at a booth and doing a little street gigging. So, with a little pressing from my friends, and some failry positive experiences, plus wanting to get out and flex the old acting muscles a little, I eventually said yes.

And I had a great time! I ended up managing the bouncy boat as her captain, watching over kids and providing a nice break for parents. I even got compliments and a good review. And it was serious business, as well; with a series of public mass shootings – including the neighboring Gilroy Garlic Festival just a few downs over the week before – we were all on extra guard to protect our attendees. And I was watching the kids, to boot!

Eventually, though, the inevitable run-in with my old group was bound to happen. I went over to be social, and ended up being 86’d from the group by the captain’s girlfriend who had gone berserk on me a couple months previous over messenger; though I never did find out why. Despite giving her, and the group, everything I had, when it came time to need a little space for personal reasons they got offended. It was disappointing, but also revealing. And it cut me loose for bigger and better things…

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