Pocket Full of Posies 1.3: Get some water, these cards are smokin’!

Rimlik is a card game that comes from the Effrin home world of Trudoc; specific to the nation-state of Ishtak which borders the expansive and desolate land masses of the southern hemisphere called “The Great Land Sea of Nothing” in the native language of the nation-state of Ishtak.

Martin Mayhew, renowned and sometimes controversial xeno anthropologist and archeologist, who helped head the induction team for Trudoc’s entry into the Corporate Commonwealth noted that the game of Rimlik is deeply rooted into the ancient past of the Ishtak and has managed to remain popular despite its obscured and mystical past.

In his initial, and subsequent follow up reports, Mayhew found historical record of the game, before a darker period in the planet’s history, when Rimlik was the courtly game of kings, and often played in place of war as much as a civil past time among courts. As the peoples of Trudoc pressed forward after a world war of such devastation the game entered the common homes to be enjoyed by families and communities.

However, at one point in time, shortly after this great period of war, during the reconstruction the game took on a mystical and spiritual meaning as a divinational tool called the “Okka ee Umra T’Pak”; rough translating to “Seerer of the Dark Bringer”. (There are many translations depending on your dialect of Weamer, the predominate language of the Ishtak nation.)

Over time the game has gone through many iterations. Cards have come and gone, changed meaning, lost its mystical qualities, and gone from a simple party game to high stakes gambling event. Probably one of the more interesting features is the incorporation of tactile technology and a randomizer that allows players to manipulate the cards based off of a series of probabilities, hand prowess, and cards in play that are connected in network. This has made the game especially popular in various playing communities across Territory for the added layers to game play and risk/reward.

All but to anyone of human decent. The use of this tactile technology is especially difficult for a five fingered human hand to master. And though among themselves humans are at a near level playing field, in mixed company no human has ever recorded a high stakes victory in a tournament.