Who is Charlie Irons?

Charlie Irons has been inspired and influenced by his hobbies from a very early age; starting with his unwitting parents taking him to a showing of a quirking Sci Fi movie released in 1977. That, married with finding a horde of old Batman comics on a family skiing trip the following year, began his life long love affair with writing, comics, illustration, and design.

It’s been pretty much down hill from there…

Sure, you could call him obsessed. But, it’d be more accurate to say he’s very passionate about his craft. He’s been an avid attendee of comic conventions, and their many panels and workshops. In school he’s pursued degrees in Art, Animation, and Graphic Design.

Armed with his mighty – and expensive – education and a lifetime of passion for creative expression, Charlie has begun releasing his first comic title; Galactic Gun: The Adventures of Justin Bailey. Galactic Gun is a genre bending Sci Fi action comedy thriller that has slowly matured since its inception back in 1986, after playing the break through video game hit Metroid. (Call it “inspired by”, really.) Along side this he is now penning his first full length novel, while also working both professionally in building management and as part of the staff of Renaissance Productions putting on fantasy faires in Northern California. This has given him the kind of life that’s perfect for a web comic, which he puts out irregularly called Stuff

Today Charlie works aboard; where he creates visual designs, illustrations, comics, and his next great novel. He does this by himself.

There’s a lot of scotch involved.


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