Stuff: Good Chat

What’s this? A comic? After, what; over a year and a half?!

Why yes, dear reader; it is, in fact, a new comic. And a bit bittersweet, at that. But first a little back story…

During the pandemic I managed a new job in San Francisco, and a side gig in the small town of Pacifica; a coastal town just outside the Golden Gate city where I was a live-in caretaker for a homeowner whose house was in a desperate need.

A page from my original, melodramatic comic…

Unfortunately that job came to a close early, and I was left with a stark reality; as a fully employed, full time maintenance supervisor for a senior living building for a major property management company I could no longer afford even a room to rent anywhere even remotely close to my job, let alone my own place. In fact, I was pretty much priced out of the entire San Francisco Bay Area all together.

So, I left.

Yep, I moved back up to Seattle at the end of 2020. I got a good paying job (for the economy of the area) and a place to live pretty close to that job.

 I did have a heart scare in late May, but managed a strong recovery. That was about the time I started to pen a comic to get my site started back up. And, no joke, it was melodramatic to the heart. But, the problem became that as I was trying to create this sober opus I realized that, well, having escaped California, all the dark nasty junk that tainted my outlook on life, including my health, was just gone.

“Zombie Chuck” cocnept;
born out of how I saw my health/life

I had left it all behind when I moved away from the toxic hell hole my home had become. So, with a visit from my main character of Galactic Gun, I came to a realization that things were getting better.

And that’s with the bitter irony comes in. You see, I penned this comic in late August of this year. As I added the final pen strokes I became seriously ill. Like in the hospital for two and half weeks ill. And since I have been stuck in my place as doctors work to undo damage that are more long-term after affects of my cancer treatments from back in 1991. All the while I have hardware imbedded in my side, and experience some daily discomforts.

It looks like I’ll be laid up through the end of 2021, and my sweet job is pretty much gone. The future is clouded, again. But it still doesn’t look too terribly bleak. Not like it would back in California. So, really; there’s no telling what’s next for me. Back to school to take my working life in a new direction? Sure. Finish my novel and restart my art career? If I work really hard, yes. Become a musician? Okay, why not.

But the ultimate good news from all of this is there will be new comics coming; some from Stuff, and some from Galactic Gun. And, really; how can new comics be anything but good news? Look for changes coming soon. Big changes, I hope.